Monday, October 20, 2014

Reading People

Author:Jo-Ellan Dimitrius
Publisher:The Ballantine Publishing Group
Download eBook:    Reading People.pdf
View:                        Reading People

About Book:
-Reading Readiness: Preparing for the Challenge of
Reading People 
-Discovering Patterns: Learning to See the Forest, Not Just
the Trees 
-First Impressions: Reading Physical Appearance and Body
-Scanning the Environment: Seeing People in Context 
-It's Not What You Say, It's How You Say It: Learning to
Hear More Than Just Words 
-Learning to Ask the Right Questions—and Listen to the
-Why Did You Put It That Way? Finding the Hidden
Meanings in Everyday Communication 
-Actions Speak Louder Than Words: Recognizing the
Revealing Nature of Behavior 
-Sometimes Things Aren't What They Appear to Be: Spotting
Exceptions to the Rules 
-Listening to Your Inner Voice: The Power of Intuition