Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Expert PHP and MySQL

Book Details
Publisher By:          Marc Rochkind.
ISBN:                      ---------------------
Year:                      2013
Pages:                   328
Language:             English
File size:                7.34 MB
File format:            PDF
View:                     Expert PHP and MySQL
Download Here:   Expert PHP and MySQL.pdf

Book Description
There are eight chapters in all, forming three groups. The first two-chapter group, Project Organization and Requirements, should be read together but can be skipped on first reading if you’re anxious to get right to PHP/MySQL programming, although I like to think that much of my most valuable insights are there. (You’ll enjoy my war stories.) The middle four chapters, Platforms and Tools, The Database, Application Structure, and Security, Forms, and Error Handling, form the guts of the programming part of the book and need to be read in order. The last two chapters, Reports and Other Outputs and Data Conversion, build on the middle chapters. At this point the author usually thanks the reviewers for their work but admits that any remaining mistakes are his alone. Yeah, but the staff at Apress is so great, surely if anything got through it’s their fault, right? OK, I’m joking, just trying to be funny, and probably failing at it. I hope in reading this book you find that my other attempts at humor are more successful. And, back to being serious, please send an e-mail to