Saturday, June 21, 2014


Book Details
Publisher:            John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
By:                      John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana
ISBN:                 978-1-118-00818-8
Year:                   2011
Pages:                 514
Language:   English
File size:              18.8 MB
File format: PDF
                                                     Download Here: HTML&CSS

Book Description
Introduction pages come at the beginning of each chapter. They introduce the key topics you will learn about.
Reference pages introduce key pieces of HTML & CSS code. The HTML code is shown in blue and CSS code is shown in pink.
Background pages appear on white; they explain the context of the topics covered that are discussed in each chapter.
Diagram and infographics pages are shown on a dark background. They provide a simple, visual reference to topics discussed.
Example pages put together the topics you have learned and demonstrate how they can be applied in each.
Summary pages come at the end of each chapter.They remind you of the key topics that were covered in each chapter.